Press & Media
We’re proud to share some of the incredible media features and recognition HR Transformed has received. It’s an honor to be acknowledged for the work we do in transforming workplaces. Explore how we’re helping businesses and leaders thrive below!
Featured Podcasts.
Thank you to everyone who has had us on their podcast. We enjoy talking about what we love. If you want HR Transformed on your podcast, let’s connect!
Only 37% Of Employees Say They Are Treated With Respect At Work
“When there is a lack of respect in the workplace, it can really impact morale, increase errors in work, and lead to unnecessary turnover. Respect is not just about being nice, it’s about fostering a culture where employees feel valued, heard, and supported,” Allyns Melendez, CEO of HR Transformed, an HR services company, noted via email.
Creating an Employee Termination Policy
Having a termination policy in place “establishes a clear internal guideline for the process of letting people go, ensuring consistency across the company,” said Allyns Melendez, founder and CEO of HR Transformed. It can also help delegate responsibilities when coordinating among various departments, such as finance and IT.
DisruptHR Talks
Navigating HR Challenges in the Gig Economy
Neurodiversity in the Workplace